Thanksgiving- Decorating and Food Preparations

Thanksgiving- Decorating and Food Preparations
Yesterday I was experimenting with my iPhone and accidentally sent photo's to my blog post and they posted! I didn't mean to post them. I've still got a lot to learn with on my iPhone! Sorry about that! This weekend was busy cooking and decorating for Thanksgiving, visiting with family/ friends and doing farm work.     [...]

Canning Pear Butter-Video

Canning Pear Butter-Video
[tentblogger-vimeo 53446874] Sharon's Pear Butter( I double the recipe) We have an abundance of pears on our property. We just found another tree drooping with pears a couple of weeks ago in our field. Some people are allergic to apples so pears are a great way to enjoy the same recipes with a fruit similar. I would recommend using apple cider in this recipe if [...]

A Thanksgiving Tradition -The Children Dress like Pilgrims

A Thanksgiving Tradition -The Children Dress like Pilgrims
When the girls were young I used to dress them up like little pilgrims for Thanksgiving. They loved it until they got too big for it. By the time Ellie (our youngest) was old enough to be an adorable pilgrim, Heather protested and wouldn't be one anymore. So, I never got a picture of all five being pilgrims at one time (photos are from various years).   Each one g[...]

Movie Review – Joan of Arc 1948 with Ingrid Bergman – MUST SEE!

Movie Review - Joan of Arc 1948 with Ingrid Bergman - MUST SEE!
  I highly recommend Victor Fleming’s 1948 movie, Joan of Arc. It is amazingly powerful! As in any movie or book, you often find faults with some of the theology because of the writer's perception or  lack of understanding about it. The main actress, Bergman, and Fleming spared neither time nor expense in order to make the film historically accurate. Ex[...]

He Restored us After Our Loss

He Restored us After Our Loss
This past weekend November 4th was our very first grandchild’s 4th birthday.  Grace Evangeline Young.  I love that name, don’t you?  Every grandchild is special, but she was especially special because we had waited so long for her arrival. Her mommy and daddy, Heather and Jeffrey, had been high school sweethearts—homecoming King and Queen. They graduated hi[...]

Christmas–Figgy Pudding

Christmas--Figgy Pudding
  Flaming Christmas pudding is a spectacular family tradition. I love the scene in the 1938 Christmas Carol movie where the mom serves flaming Christmas pudding and the family goes crazy! It’s absolutely priceless. Wouldn’t it be something to see your family so excited over a desert? You’ve got to watch it, yes you must! [tentblogger-vimeo 52623055] [...]

Sorcery, Mediums and Witchcraft

Sorcery, Mediums and Witchcraft
Standing at my door was a girl I had known since 1st grade. At 8 years-old she had a fascination with magic, mediums and consulting the dead in séances. As a child I had never heard what God thought about these things, it just wasn’t talked about in my church. I didn’t know for sure that it was wrong but I felt it wasn’t right and never participated in her lifestyle. [...]

Our Perfect Weekend in New York City

Our Perfect Weekend in New York City
Dale was appalled when he saw my pile of stuff stacked high by the front door for our trip to NYC. A five gallon stock pot filled with all the trimmings to make chicken & dumplings, a large rice maker (rice included), a trifle dish (with all ingredients in separate bags ready for assembly), homemade coffee cake, batch of flourless peanut butter cookies, banana[...]

Dale’s Thirty Foot Mural Unveiled

Dale's Thirty Foot Mural Unveiled
  Dale was commissioned by our county to design and create an outdoor mural illustrating its 400 years of history. He had already done one similar for our new hospital a year before--but that one was an indoor mural, big difference in construction and materials used. Dale amazes me that he can create anything from the finest detailed painting http://dalegl[...]

The Weekend Harvest–Bushels of Pears/ Pear Cider

The Weekend Harvest--Bushels of Pears/ Pear Cider
This past weekend Dale installed a 30 ft mural that he created for the county. I’ll show you what it looks like after the unveiling this afternoon, exciting. Saturday pears were dropping from our pear tree faster than fast, that meant harvest time. I picked as many as I had room to store. I’m going to make pear butter (the best ever) with them, but I’m waiting [...]

The Farm Wedding/Reception-Preparations Commenced this Past Weekend

The Farm Wedding/Reception-Preparations Commenced this Past Weekend
  Our 4th lovely daughter Rachael has never asked for much. She’s always been a hard worker, had a job in high school to help buy the things she wanted and has held jobs in-between college semesters. So, when she came to me and asked this vast question I didn’t know how to respond. “Mom, what’s the budget for my wedding?” I wanted to be able to say, [...]