A Life of Faith- George Muller

A Life of Faith- George Muller
There is no greater life than a life lived by faith. It is so powerful that even with a tiny amount of it, nothing is impossible to us (Matthew 17:20). Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He rewards thos[...]

A Legacy of Faith

A Legacy of Faith
This week Proverbs 31 Ministries is focusing on women who have left a faith legacy in our lives. As you read about a woman who has inspired me, think about who has left a legacy in your life and whether you are leaving a faith legacy behind by the way you live. The words we speak and the way we live can alter another person’s life for eternity. I’ll never fo[...]

The Good Wife Bridal Shower

The Good Wife Bridal Shower
We had a wonderful bridal shower this past weekend for Rachael(daughter). We had so much fun all together, I wish we could do it every weekend! Every time there's a wedding or bridal shower I think about how important wedding festivities have been throughout the centuries. Back in Jesus' time whole towns and villages would celebrate a marriage.  One of Jesus' first [...]

Eating Weeds for Your Health-Dandelion Fritters & Sautéed Dandelion Greens

Eating Weeds for Your Health-Dandelion Fritters & Sautéed Dandelion Greens
I started the week off by making Dandelion Fritters! Yep, with the weeds from our yard.  Dandelions are the most amazing plant ever and just to think people spray killer on them in their yards. Don't use yours if you've sprayed them!! The flowers, the greens and the roots are all medicinal. The flowers  taste a lot like zucchini blossoms, if you've ever had those.[...]

A Simple Family Passover (Seder) Supper

A Simple Family Passover (Seder) Supper
We celebrate the Passover (Seder) meal on Thursday or Friday evening before Easter.  We've made it simple so that it would never be too hard to do. A traditional Seder meal is long.  In celebrating this feast we are honoring a feast, instituted by God and celebrated by Jesus himself.  “Because Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed for us; therefore, let us [...]

A Burning Fire in My Bones

A Burning Fire in My Bones
This past weekend I spoke at three different churches.  As I walked to the podium at the first event I started to cry when I saw the large audience. Every time I speak I am reminded of where I came from and how He uses me in spite of myself. I was painfully shy as a child.  I was so shy that I rarely spoke at school and had very few friends.  I mean in order to hav[...]

The Supper Table

The Supper Table
Post written by our daughter Hannah Glasgow Easter. I took it off her blog today, enjoy! You can find her at http://hannaheaster.blogspot.com “It’s time to eat!!!” My mom would cry as she clanked the cowbell with her sturdy spoon. By the third time, she could start to make out the barefooted tornado of dirt, curls, and laughter migrating towards her. As hard as it [...]

St. Patrick’s Day–Powerful Story to Share over Traditional Irish Dinner

St. Patrick's Day--Powerful Story to Share over Traditional Irish Dinner
I think it's interesting that we rarely hear the story behind St. Patrick's Day.  St. Patrick went down in history as being a radical Christian.  He considered himself a pagan when he was growing up. It wasn't until he was sold into slavery by Irish slave traders that he came to Christ.  His relationship with the Lord grew while he was a slave.  After six years in[...]

The Living Easter Basket & other Easter Traditions

The Living Easter Basket & other Easter Traditions
This past weekend was filled visiting with family, preparing for our daughters wedding and Easter! It was SO much fun! I  put our permanent Easter egg collection out,  made our living Easter basket and  pickled eggs (You gotta have'm on your Easter table) . The Living Easter basket is made with wheat grass, pansies and a vintage chick.  Easter baskets in the[...]

Pray for Our Wells in South Sudan!

Do ya'll remember the wells that were dug in south Sudan with the money God miraculously gave us when we were in the emergency room?? Read the emergency room story here. PRAY for those wells, the church and school in Gudele, South Sudan. Demolition of the Church, School and Borehole ( water well) is planned this week impacting 114 Christians 320 school Child[...]

Ten Invaluable Christian Books

Ten Invaluable Christian Books
A great book is invaluable. There are a few in my collection that I return to over and over and can’t imagine being without. These books are worth more to me than great grandma’s antique china! Do you know what I’m saying? If I had to depart with all my worldly goods and could only keep one thing it would be a stack of my favorite books. Monday night I was the [...]