Storage of Winter Vegetables

Storage of Winter Vegetables
I love the fact that vegetables can keep the entire winter in a root cellar. That is, if they are taken care of properly. Now, just to let you know, I didn't grow all of these vegetables. We have grown all of them at one time or another on our farm. Our problem the last two years has been our stinking ground hogs. They love to eat the garden.  They especially l[...]

My One Word

My One Word
After reading the book, My One Word by Michael Ashcraft and (my friend) Rachel Olsen, I’ve decided that my one word for this year is; Love. This year, I’m going to be more intentional in my time with God to focus on- love. I want to burn with love for Jesus.  I want to cross over into the next level of glory in loving Him the way He loves me.  I want to love Hi[...]

After School Valentine’s Day Cookies

After School Valentine's Day Cookies
Children will always remember coming home  to the smell of cookies baking when they grow up. Memories like those are cherished and passed on for generations.  These are as delicious as they smell.  They ooze gooey yummy chocolate, if you don't bake them all the way. They're especially good to have ready on Valentine's Day when your kids come home from school. It's a h[...]

The Depth of Intimacy– Pure and Indescribable

The Depth of Intimacy-- Pure and Indescribable
  Intimacy. Hmm… After 32 years of marriage, I still blush talking about it!  It is so private and sacred! No expression of human communion is deeper than that of a husband and wife making love. It borders on supernatural in expression.  The sensory goes beyond flesh into spiritual depths that are indescribable. It took me a while to fully underst[...]

Valentine’s Day Breakfast

Valentine's Day Breakfast
For Valentine's Day Dale and I rarely give each other gifts. I've asked him not to give me flowers or buy me a card(we make our own). At this moment in life it's not in the budget. I don't need things to tell me he loves me.Instead we enjoy doing the simple things together, like having a candlelit breakfast or dinner at home. Making things you already have the [...]

Valentine’s Day Goodies

Valentine's Day Goodies
This year for Valentine's Day make your own decadent sweets that say, “I love you.” Valentine Sugar Cookies, I used organic sugar and the glaze is made from organic powdered sugar, organic corn syrup, and all-natural color. The Macaroons are made with almond flour, organic egg whites, and organic powdered sugar with organic dark chocolate on the bottoms. [...]

In His Presence- Present

In His Presence- Present
I stared at my computer without an ounce of enthusiasm or creativity.  A mountain of work beckoned me…  With already missed deadlines, bills to be paid, taxes to be done, text messages waiting for answers, dishes in the sink…  Then a phone call halted all of it and paralyzed my ability to do anything productive. I prayed, but it didn’t help. I couldn’t focus[...]

The Healing Recipe- Chicken Soup

The Healing Recipe- Chicken Soup
The Healing Recipe- Chicken Soup Soups and stocks made from the bones of chicken, fish, lamb, venison or beef contain minerals, gelatin, cartilage, collagen and electrolytes to help heal and give life.  For centuries it has been used to heal people. It's been called Jewish Penicillin.  However, the tradition or art of making soup healthy has generally been lost[...]

The High Calling of Motherhood

The High Calling of Motherhood
I’ll never forget that morning.  I woke up and my spirit quickened within me that I had conceived a baby.  An immortal soul was within my womb.  I jumped out of bed without telling Dale because of course I needed confirmation. I went to the store as quick as I could, got a pregnancy test, and rushed back home. Within minutes it was confirmed what God had already r[...]

A Snow Day Tradition- Making Snow Ice Cream

A Snow Day Tradition- Making Snow Ice Cream
Snow Ice Cream Recipe 1 1/2 cup whole milk (I use raw organic whole milk-yum) 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. vanilla large amount of freshly fallen snow Mix milk and sugar together until sugar is dissoved, then add vanilla. Stir snow into cream until it is ice cream texture. It happens fast! You'll be amazed, this is truly delicious and fun. The kids will go craz[...]

Love is As Strong as Death

Love is As Strong as Death
"Love is as strong as death. . ." Song of Solomon 8:6 True love is passionate, unquenchable, fiery and devoted at all cost. We galloped through an open field on our horses, then slowed to a trot and talked while riding side by side.  Our conversation went from one level of glory to the next.  It was heavenly.  I had never told anyone the dreams of my heart, [...]

8 Fermented Food Recipes–For Your Health

8 Fermented Food Recipes--For Your Health
The Flu is rampant! More than 50% of the nation is being hit with it right now. I'm taking precautions; eating healthier, getting sleep, washing my hands after being in public places and praying! At every meal I'm eating at least a tablespoon of fermented foods. I know, you never hear of them anymore. In the olden days everyone knew how to preserve vegetables. [...]