Oh my…Yep, when this temptation comes, and it WILL, DON’T ENTERTAIN the thought even for a second!
Every grueling week, my friend would share how absolutely easy her life was. Every evening when her husband came home from work he helped with dinner, dishes, gave the kids baths and PUT THEM TO BED! He even mowed the grass, trimmed the bushes on the weekends and rubbed her back, for goodness sake!
I wanted to throw up. It made me so sick. Truly. Could she not SHUT UP?
Resentment toward Dale started to fester. I started to wonder why he couldn’t do these things. I didn’t want her husband but started wanting an imaginary husband that would do everything right and love me wholeheartedly.
After a few weeks (alright, maybe a month) of desiring my imaginary husband, I realized I was wrong. I asked the Lord to forgive me and to help me. Moving forward, every time this friend or other friends started telling me about their holly-jolly life, I took the wrong thoughts captive and refuted them with truth.
Truth was, Dale was an amazing man of God. He loved our family. We owned our own business. He had to work 15-18 hrs a day, six days a week to support our family of five children. There was no time for him to do all the things my friend’s husband did.
Truth was, I vowed to God and Dale to have and to hold for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.
So, every week, year after year I mowed the grass, trimmed the bushes, took care of the household, cooked every meal, washed all the dishes, got the cars inspected, paid the bills, put the kids to bed.. .
And loved him outrageously without coveting an imaginary husband.
How? After a while I no longer had to refute the lie with truth. The truth is, we are one. What he can’t do, I will do. That’s what we do for one another when we’re one. After I got this, it was a joy to work as hard as he did for our family.
Guess what? My friend’s husband left her. I know!?! I was brokenhearted for her. But I wondered, why? Was the load too heavy to bear and he snapped? He was a really good man, but even a good man has a threshold for what he can endure.
Satan wants us to want another husband. If we don’t refute lies with truth, we’re in trouble.
We’re all tempted. Yep… None are exempt. Temptation isn’t a sin, acting on it is.
Next time you’re tempted to covet another husband—DON’T ENTERTAIN the thought, not even for a second!
Winner of last weeks drawing for the marriage books and movie tickets is: Angela who posted 2015/09/26 at 10:25 PM Let’s all keep praying for each other’s marriages!

While we watched the moon it was good to reminisce of days gone by but I’m thankful that Dale and I now get to cook meals, wash dishes and do yard work together. There is a season for everything.