Are You Physically Empowered? Your pH Level Tells it All

Are You Physically Empowered? Your pH Level Tells it All
    To live an Empowered Life- you must take care of your spirit, soul and body. If we live a holy life honoring God with our whole heart yet  forget to fuel our body (temple of Holy Spirit) with premium fuel- we suffer. I want to run this race to win (I Corinthians 9:24)the prize like an Olympic gold medalist.  To do this I've got to be intentional about h[...]

The Proposal to The Princess

The Proposal to The Princess
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived two humble servants in the kingdom reigned by the King, the One called the Great I Am. The King entrusted this couple with five of His most priceless gifts- His princesses. The humble servants bowed before the King in thanksgiving, that He would trust them with such a royal honor. From the time of their concepti[...]

Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

Lemon peel is one of the most amazing healing foods in the world. It is said to be an effective remedy in treating arteriosclerosis. It is believed to be the richest source of vitamin P.  Lemon peel also is said to help to regulate high blood pressure, fight cancer, shrink tumors, cysts. . .it can help with depression, fungal and bacterial infections and reduce ch[...]

Vanishing of the Bees

Vanishing of the Bees
[tentblogger-youtube 1pwgedXY4qI]Thank you for praying for Dale! He is well! I can not thank you enough! We're not TV watchers, we don't have cable or a satellite dish- but once in a while we'll watch documentaries on Netflix's instant downloads.  We watched   Vanishing of the Bees, I recommend it. It's a great watch if you care about the future of your health and [...]

The Genuineness of Your Faith

The Genuineness of Your Faith
I've been married to Dale for 33 years, I thought I knew everything there was to know about this man, not so. For two weeks straight I've watched him endure  the pain of a kidney stone, it was so great that he couldn't sleep for 36 hours at a time. In his greatest hours of pain (Scale of 1-10, pain was a 10) I witnessed something indescribably priceless, he worshi[...]

The Trial, Truth and Triumph Remedy

The Trial, Truth and Triumph Remedy
  We watched as our only working vehicle hoisted onto the back of the tow truck. I stood by the side of the road while Dale ministered to the driver. He was a kind man, he asked if we needed a ride, we just smiled and shook our heads, no. We were an hour from home. We walked to a nearby grocery store and sat at their outdoor tables. We looked at each o[...]

Twelfth Night Dinner

Twelfth Night Dinner
    If you're visiting from Proverbs 31 Ministries Encouragement for Today devotions, welcome! It was the most memorable dinner I’ve ever attended… It was a Twelfth Night Dinner.  The smell of roasted rib roast enveloped us as we walked through the front door. We were ushered through the bustling kitchen.  It was filled with homemade dishes.  Yo[...]

When the Storms Rage and the Winds Blow on Your House

When the Storms Rage and the Winds Blow on Your House
The howling, frigid wind whipped and beat the house mercilessly last night. The old spruce tree bent and screeched against the house so much I couldn’t go back to sleep.    Sometimes it’s good to be awakened in middle of a storm and listen. Listen to what you can’t normally hear. You know, the deep things, things you can’t hear on a quiet, calm night. So, I tal[...]

Prayers Needed for Bob

Thank you for praying for Bob. He's in ICU in stable but critical condition. The day after his surgery all his numbers started to gravely decline. We almost lost him. The day after his surgery they did exploratory surgery to find out what was going on. There was no blood flow to vital organs. They found issues with his colon (not cancer), so they removed it. H[...]