Dale and I traveled over 30,000 miles spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in 2018. We saw more decisions made for Him than in all the years of ministry combined! I thought I would share a few highlights from our year!

In August 2017, we asked the Lord to send us to Israel to minister in August 2018 with no known open doors or strong connections. The desire burned in our hearts. In July 2018, I was asked to speak at a retreat in ISRAEL. The date? August 31, 2018. Apparently, it was God’s idea all along! We ministered throughout Israel wherein 2% are Christians, 18% Muslims, 75% Jews, 5% other or no religious affiliation. This beautiful place where Jesus was born, led His ministry, died and rose again- is surrounded by enemies- inside and out. Israel desperately needs our prayers and patronage. We desire to go back- soon!


Katie Graves-the event leader who invited me to speak in Galilee. Many open doors followed our retreat that we are eternally grateful for and can’t wait to see what God does next.

We had the honor of ministering in the Dominican Republic to evangelists who tirelessly preach the gospel to the poor. Pastor Sebero Cordero, pastors five churches and has a full time job! Pray for him and all who labor faithfully.

Dale and I went to Billy Graham’s viewing at the Capital in February. We asked God to give us passion and zeal for evangelism like Graham. Revival zeal overcame us. We’ll never be the same!
We were able to minister throughout the United States including; Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, MD, Virginia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Ohio, Alabama, Georgia, and PA… And oh the testimonies, I wish I could tell them all! At one of the retreats where I spoke- I arrived terribly ill. At the moment I started to speak I became all well! It was obvious that Satan was trying to prevent me from delivering God’s word to this specific crowd. But, at the end of the day- God always wins! That event produced more decisions for Christ than any other event all year.
At one conference, a l o n g line of people waited for me to pray with them. At the end, I was starving and went to look for food. The only thing I saw was the bar. So, I headed right for it hoping that just maybe they would have food. Two ladies screamed when they saw me!
They were drinking and one of them said, “We were just in your conference and my friend here said she wanted you pray for her, but she didn’t want to wait in the long line. She’s in desperate shape. I just told her one second before you walked up, ‘watch Sharon appear right here, and pray for you.’ And you appeared!” The woman was stunned and started to cry. We prayed. Jesus took over the bar!
We believe that the reason we saw more decisions made this year is because we had our first ever prayer team interceding for every event. Five ladies were on their knees before events praying for the lost and for the faithless to become faithful! Revival ignited in many of the events we spoke at. God always receives all of the glory and breaks chains when we come before Him in prayer!
On the home front, our farm ministered to thousands! Many wonderful couples got married here.

The Lord sends all kinds of people for tours for their upcoming wedding. Muslims, Atheists, Christians, Wiccans, Jews… They don’t all book but His purposes are fulfilled. Recently a Muslim couple toured. As soon as they walked in the door I knew God sent them for ministry, not their wedding. It was a glorious time. At the end of the tour I told them that God sent them to us. I prayed for them in Jesus’ Name. They cried. We hugged and they left. They heard the gospel. Perhaps for the first time? The seed was planted. Many seeds are planted. Some watered. And others, are HARVESTED right here on the farm.

We hosted two Grieving Children’s camp days for Capital Caring. Trained counselors came to help children who’ve experienced unimaginable trauma. Some have witnessed murders and tragic death of loved ones. These children need healing and a day on our farm helps facilitate it in a safe environment.

We hosted a fundraiser for Fredericksburg’s Choice’s Women’s Clinic. They help pregnant women make wise decisions for their unborn babies and give free ultrasounds. They provide full emotional, physical and spiritual support to the moms.

We ministered to Military Wives through worship, speaking, and food.

Our first baptisms in the barn! It was the highlight of the year!

Our goal is to help fulfill the great commission by ministering all over the world- One way is to support others with the same mission. We are reaching Guatemala through our dear friends Phil and Patti Monk who care for orphans there with Hope of Life, International. Most recent trip to USA, they stopped to see us!
We continue to pray and support Israel. One of the best ways to bless Israel with Jesus is through the Messianic-Jewish ministry- One for Israel. Many lost Jewish people are hearing the gospel for the first time as a result of their constant testimony sharing.

2018 was my 18th year with Proverbs 31Ministries! We go into all the world with the gospel through written word, radio, conferences, social media.

We are reaching Japan through missionaries Barbara and Mike Gray with TEAM.

We are reaching the lost in Bangladesh through missionaries Jipu Barikdar with CRU.

We are reaching the unreached of Papua New Guinea through Jason and Laken Cizdziel with Ethnos 360.

We are reaching the Middle East through MAPS.

And Middle East through our missionary and friend, Ronnette.

We are praying and supporting Brussels House of Prayer. Roger and Rachel Verheul lead it. May revival sweep across Europe!
We’re so excited about all God did in 2018 and all He has in store for 2019! I know you are too! What dreams has God put on your heart this year?
What are your plans to go into all the world and preach the gospel? That’s what Jesus is looking for on our to-do lists for 2019!
Maybe you’ve dreamed of hosting a retreat. Do it! Don’t let anything stop you. I’ll be your speaker if you want!
Have you dreamed of doing a Bible Study in your home? Do it! Invite your neighbors and those who don’t know Jesus- yet. Will it be hard? Maybe. But, if God called you to it, it doesn’t matter if its hard. Just do it!
Maybe you want to be speaker and need to learn the ropes? Go to She Speaks Conference this year! I’ll be there to cheer you on. Do it! Has God called you to be a missionary? Do it! Maybe its to Africa… Maybe it’s to your local high schools… Go! Does it seem impossible? God is WITH YOU!
God is robbed of Glory when we don’t go after the impossible.
So, what’s He asking you today?
Whatever He says to you, DO IT! That’s what Jesus’ mother said to the servants at the wedding in Cana when the wine ran out (John 2). Mary said, “Whatever He says- Do it.” They DID IT, and Jesus’ first MIRACLE is recorded.
Is Jesus asking you to do something that seems impossible? DO IT! He will provide all you need! He promises!
One of my God dreams is to get a book written this year. Please pray for me that I DO IT. Every day brings new kingdom work and there’s really not enough time to do it all. Pray that we’ll be able to employ our assistant- full time. There is so much that needs to be done- and we can’t do it alone.
Another big thing that happened with us this year is that on December 3 we became an official non-profit ministry. Sharon Glasgow Ministries is now official!
Please pray that God will use us to usher many into His kingdom this year, through writing, speaking, ministering and art (Dale is an evangelist through art). Thank you!
Would you like me to come speak at your event? I would love to be a part of what God is doing in your city!
What’s God asking you to do? Do it!