If you’re visiting me from Proverbs 31’s Encouragement for Today devotion, Marriage is Hard Work– Welcome! Just thought I would introduce you to a few of the characters from the devotion.

Angel and her babies born last month. In three months they will be weened and we’ll enjoy a gallon of raw milk a day from her. We’ll make curds and whey, cheese, ice cream, soap and lots of yummy and healthy goodies.

Misty is standing on the milking stand. She wants babies so bad, but isn’t able to get pregnant. Yet for the third year in a row produces milk at the exact time as our other doe who delivers twins! It’s a phenomena!

Organic Produce. The green leaves are dried stinging nettle. In the green bowl are stinging nettle roots.

We’ve got mulberry trees! I make mulberry ice-cream, pancakes, jam, syrup...

The chickens are supposed to lay eggs in the coop, sometimes its front door delivery!Benefits of free-range eggs!

Yep, snakes climb right in there. You have to watch out for them when you go to get the eggs!

Snake eating our breakfast in the chicken coop! How dare he! He was escorted out!

Mr. Turkey looking through the window to see what our plans are for the mulberry remnants.

Rooster takes good care of the girls and waking us up every morning.

Our border collie, Sparky chases foxes away, protects the chickens, rounds up goats, alerts us if snakes are in the vicinity, chases ground hogs, possums, skunks, coyote’s…

I mow 5 acres of grass and weeds every week. I ran over an extension cord and had to untangle it from the blade. It wasn’t fun, but a Proverbs 31 woman is capable!

One of the few plants in our garden ground hogs don’t like! Organic tomatoes fried green tomatoes are yummy!

It’s unbelievable how much work goes into a small farm, but just like a good marriage-the benefits are worth it!
The winner of our last drawing is- Laura Wright Smith! Email me your address!