If you’re visiting me from Karen Ehman’s 12 Days of Christmas Blog Tour, Welcome!
The call came at the worst time. I was driving home in terrible traffic, it’d been a crazy day. I couldn’t wait to get home. My friend on the phone said, “Sharon, I need you to come to the hospital! Dad had a stroke, he’s dying. Come fast.” I got off the phone and groaned, Lord, I’m too tired... I prayed…
His blood pressure was almost gone. His heart rate faint. I was out of energy and didn’t feel like I had anything to give as I walked into the hospital room. The family was weeping. I laid my hand on his motionless body. Immediately a song came to mind, “There’s Power in the Blood of the Lamb.” I asked if anyone knew the song. A few did, including the nurse. ”Sing it!” I said. All we could remember was the chorus. Soon, the weeping stopped. The more we sang, the louder we got.
We laid our hands on him and prayed. Nothing happened. I came the next morning. He was the same. We anointed him with oil as it says to do in James 5. He opened one eye—that’s it.
I came back hours later to find the room empty! Oh no, I thought. I walked down the hall looking for the family and someone grabbed my arm TIGHTLY! It was HIM! I looked in his eyes as they overflowed with tears and he proclaimed, “There is POWER in the blood of the Lamb!” I was speechless. They released him from the hospital.
This morning I was feeling sorry for myself because we haven’t had time to put up a Christmas tree, wreath or any other decorations yet. I haven’t even gone shopping or watched a Christmas movie. Life has been busy. As I contemplated it with the Lord, He gently reminded me of what was really important.
Jesus sacrificed EVERYTHING to come to earth and be born to a virgin, into the poorest family, he lived sacrificially and paid the ultimate price for our salvation! As I pondered His whole life, my lack of Christmas decorations became trivial.
Then,Matthew 10:8 came to mind. Jesus told his disciples, “And as you go, preach that the kingdom is at hand, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. . .freely you have been given, freely give.”
“As we go” this Christmas, may we take our eyes off ourselves and be ready to give what has been freely given to us—no matter the cost.
Peter and John were on their way to them temple and as they went a lame man asked for their help. Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give. In the Name of Jesus Christ get up a walk.” The man went walking and leaping and praising God!
Christmas tree and gifts have I none, but what I have, may I freely give!
May I never be too tired or busy that I forget to give the best gift everywhere I go, because there IS– Power in the Blood of the Lamb!

If you’re visiting me from Karen Ehman’s 12 Days of Christmas blog, welcome!I have a giveaway on her blog and 12 of my favorite cookie recipes!