Called to Be An Eye Witness


The plane was jam packed- yet an empty seat was right next to me. Ahh, I profusely thanked the Lord, for only He knew how exhausted I really was. I took my boots off… laid my head back, closed my eyes and started to praise God for His graciousness.

Twenty minutes into flight a man came up and asked me, “ Can I sit here? There’s a screaming baby back there.”

What could I say? “Sure” and closed my eyes. Immediately he opened a conversation, “What was your purpose for travel this weekend?” I gave the quickest answer possible… “I was speaking at a conference.”

“Oh? What were you speaking about?” He asked. I then knew, this was not going to be a flight to sleep and replied, “I’m a Christian speaker.”
His eyes got big and a huge smile overcame his face as he pulled his face into mine, “So, you speak about Jesus?”

I said, “Yes, I do. Do you know Him?”

The smile cleared off his face and he said, “I do. Tell me what you know about him.”

I was tired and wanted to see where he was coming from so I said, “You first. You tell me what you know of Him.” While he talked, I realized that he didn’t know Him.
He then asked, “Why do you believe in Jesus? What is your proof that He is the Son of the Living God? I have read many books, and none convince me that Jesus is God’s Son.”

Instantly, Luke 24 and Acts 1:8 flashed before my mind, “You will be My witnesses. . . even unto the ends of the earth.”

I was being called to be an eye witness.

An eye witness!? Oh yeah, a surge of glory hit my weary body. I’d never heard the Lord say I want you to be an eye witness- like that. He didn’t want me to give a theological or academic answer. Oh no, He wanted me to give an eye witness account of His Glory. He wanted me to give testimony of my experience- of what I’ve seen and heard Him do in my life and in the lives around me.Exhaustion left me and the Holy Spirit empowered me as I gave an eye witness account of my risen Savior and how I personally knew without a doubt that He indeed is the Christ the Son of the Living God.The man was loud and gregarious as he interrupted me. “WHAT? Say that again… I can’t hear you?”Repeatedly at the most intense parts of the conversation he would loudly state a question and ask me to repeat the answer over and over.
Everyone sitting around us listened. I wanted him to lower his tone- but he didn’t.He asked about heaven and hell… the purpose of baptism… the inspired, infallible Word of God… He covered all bases for himself and all those around him- on the packed airplane.
He was SO excited when we landed. He said, “I can’t wait to tell my wife ALL that you’ve said about Jesus, the Son of the Living God!”
We exchanged emails and are continuing this conversation.Next time you’re relishing that empty seat next to you- don’t get to comfy. He’s calling us all out of comfy and asking us to be eye witnesses of His glory even unto the ends of the earth.The Lord is asking all of us- today to be eye witnesses of Him. We are called to go into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost!


We are each called to teach them to observe all things that He commanded and He promised to be with us always even to the end of the age. GLORY. AMEN!!

When I stood up to get off the plane, passengers started to shake my hand.

People are watching and listening to
us. . . What will they hear?

Winner from last weeks drawing for Bible and earrings is Ifeoma Ayodele! Contact me with your address!