Our dining room table set for dinner guests
If you’re visiting from Proverbs 31’s Encouragement for Today devotion, welcome!
I prayed weeks for this dinner. The couple we invited was sweet but tormented on many levels —they needed Jesus. I wanted to roll out the red carpet and treat them like royalty; God knows they needed a big dose of His love.
Time got away from me—cleaning the house, making the dessert and all. I still had to run to the store to get the filet mignons. I know, they’re expensive, but I wasn’t going to spare any cost for them—it would be a feast!
I sat the grocery bags inside the front door and then ran back out to light the fire in the grill. They would be there in less than half an hour! I ran back to the front door, grabbed the bags of gold, I mean—filet mignons—and laid them on the kitchen counter. I reached in for the first steak and pulled out an empty package. Puzzled, I pulled out the second package, it was empty, the third and fourth . . .all empty, not even a trace of steak, just perfectly clean empty packages! “What in the world? Where are my expensive delicious steaks?“ I cried.
About that time my large greyhound dog, Cuzi walked around the corner, with his head cowered. He wouldn’t look at me. I called for him but he lowered his head even more and ran behind the couch. I followed him, and not a trace of a steak did I find, just one guilty dog with a very full tummy. He had done this kind of thing before; eaten entire large pizzas, cakes and whole plates of fried chicken without a crumb left behind. Yep, he was the thief, alright. Guilty was written all over his face.
I heard knocking at my front door. They were early, I had no main course to serve and I couldn’t find the red carpet to roll out (you know my mood—it was eaten by the dog).
While we were welcoming them, I remembered that I had a homemade Chicken& Dumpling Casserole in the freezer. It was my only choice so with a groan I turned the oven on and popped it in.
I then excused myself to the restroom, closed the door and said, “Jesus, help me, help me get over my own expectations of what tonight would look like. I’ve asked You for weeks to lavish this couple with Your presence. You don’t need steaks to make it grand. Bring Your presence powerfully into our midst. Jesus, you are all we need to make this night a royal feast. Come Lord Jesus and fill this place with Your glory.” And I walked back out to my guests.
Oh my, oh my-The dinner (though, not the food) was spectacular as His glory more than filled our house while we shared Jesus that night. None of us wanted the night to end it was SO good.
Jesus rolled out the red carpet, brought us to His banqueting table and His love enveloped us. It could not have been any more royal a night.
I surrendered my plans for His, and His were better, ah Jesus!
What hinders you from inviting guests for dinner? Tell me in the comment section to enter your name in the drawing to win a $30 Target gift card (something to help your entertaining) and Proverbs 31 Ministries brand new Encouragement for Today devotion book. Winner drawn next Wednesday!
For my Chicken & Dumpling Casserole recipe click here.
I Peter 4: 9-11, “Be hospitable to one another…if anyone ministers (entertains), let him do it with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever, amen.