The Empty Tomb and Three Crosses- John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
This past weekend was filled visiting with family, preparing for our daughters wedding and Easter! It was SO much fun!
I put our permanent Easter egg collection out, made our living Easter basket and pickled eggs (You gotta have’m on your Easter table) .
The Living Easter basket is made with wheat grass, pansies and a vintage chick. Easter baskets in the Glasgow family have always been all natural. I fill them with homemade marshmallows cut into the shape of chicks, , homemade truffles and candies ordered from The Squirrels Nest. When the kids were little there was always a bottle of bubbles, silly putty, the paddle with the rubber ball attached and other little toys that kept them enthralled all Easter Day. As they got older we gave them things to help in their walk with Christ; Christian music, a Bible, book or game that would challenge them, etc.
If you think you would want to make a living Easter basket, you should get the seeds right away. It takes 10-15 days to grow the grass depending on whether or not you soak them in advance.
I used wheat grass. Mine cost $1.69 and planted a 6 inch square. It grows fast and strong. You can use wheat grass to make smoothies or juices. Wheat grass is gluten free as long as you don’t let it go to seed. It must be juiced in order to get the nutrient packed ingredients assimilated into your digestive system.
Pansies are also edible and beautiful for the Easter basket. Multi-colored petals in a spinach and spring mix salad is a sight to behold. Only eat organic pansies, as the ones you buy in the store are laden with chemicals. They’re easy to grow from seed.
I’ve only found a few sources that sell organic pansies.
Artfully arrange a vintage chick in the basket. Add homemade chocolate eggs, all natural goodies and the treasures on Easter Day. Wrap the basket in yellow, pink or purple cellophane and complete it with a beautiful ribbon.
Don’t forget to cut your grass when it is the desired height, or it will over power your basket! My grass needs to be cut.
Have you been keeping up with your nightly Bible reading by candle light in preparation for Easter?

The Living Easter Basket

Felicity, our adorable granddaughter was quite entertained by the vintage chick in the basket
- Homemade marshmallows cut out with chick cookie cutter
Recipe for Homemade Marshmallows

The Empty Tomb and Three Crosses

The Easter egg basket- These are blown eggs decorated by our children and in our permanent collection- some of these are 17 years old

Gathering my eggs for the pickled eggs–fresh eggs are harder to shell

Put 2 1/2 dozen boiled and shelled eggs in jar, Warm 4 cups apple cider vinegar, 2 cups beet juice, 1 cup sugar(I use organic, remember regular sugar has GMO’s), 2 tsp salt and 2 tsp whole cloves until sugar dissolves and pour on top of eggs. Refrigerate. Ready to eat as early as the next day or three weeks later (Easter day). BEAUTIFUL,MEMORABLE and YUMMY!

I divided the large batch into smaller jars- they’ll be on the table for Easter