My Favorite Holiday, Easter

It was Easter Eve.  I was checking out at the grocery store and the cashier asked me what my favorite holiday was.  I never got to answer since she and the bagger agreed the best holidays are the ones with the most food and celebration. Easter morning was glorious.  We worshipped with intense passion over our risen Lord and took the Lords Supper.  On Easter, usuall[...]

Basil Chicken- Pasta Salad

Basil Chicken- Pasta Salad
Basil Chicken Pasta Salad                                                                                                       12 oz package pasta (I use organic)  1 lb cooked chicken (could use Rotisserie), chopped 1 cup finely chopped fresh basil 1/2 cup pine nuts or more to your liking 1 small can sliced olives   12 oz cherry tomatoes, sliced   1 cup[...]

Smoked Saffron Chicken and White Beans- Portugal (Gluten Free)

Smoked Saffron Chicken and White Beans- Portugal (Gluten Free)
1 cup white beans ( soak beans for 12-24 hrs in water, drain soaking water and cook in fresh water for 3 hours, simmering. Drain) 1/3 cup butter 5  organic chicken thighs ( you can use chicken quarters too) 1 yellow onion, chopped 5 fresh garlic cloves, minced (I used pickled garlic, but fresh is good too) 1/2 teaspoon saffron 1/2 teaspoon smoked[...]

Flourless Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Flourless Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies
Flourless Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies  2 cups chunky organic peanut butter (DO NOT USE regular peanut butter, it has hydrogenated oils, Natural Jiff doesn't have hydrogenated oil, you can use that) 2 cups (packed) organic brown sugar (almost all sugar on the market is genetically modified. You must use organic if you want  NO GMO in your food) [...]

Gluten Free Matzo

Gluten Free Matzo
  Gluten Free Matzo *1 cup of gluten-free flour ½ cup of almond flour (ground almonds) 1 tsp. sea salt or kosher salt 6 Tbs. water Extra sea salt for sprinkling on top Bake in preheated oven, 450 degrees for 10 min’s. Mix all ingredients together, add more water if it is too dry. Form into one ball, then flatten onto cookie sheet and u[...]

Meringue Cookies

Meringue Cookies
4 organic large egg whites 2 1/4 cups organic powdered sugar ( making them with regular sugar is so much tastier but the organic sugar was not  ground fine enough--hence powdered sugar) 1 tsp organic vanilla Beat egg whites until foamy. Add sugar slowly, beating continuously. Add vanilla. Beat until stiff peaks are obtained. Drop by large tablespoon[...]

Carmelized Fried Apples

 Carmelized Fried Apples
We fell in love with this farmhouse 18 years ago.  It had everything we wanted, an old white house with a front porch, old swing, barns, broken fences, plum trees, grapevines, cherry tree, fig tree, pear trees and big ole apple trees. We moved in in the fall and the produce was more than we knew what to do with the first year. Bushels and bushels of apples sat in b[...]