Category archives: Nutrition

The Home of Our Happy Chickens: Our Portable Chicken Coop

The Home of Our Happy Chickens: Our Portable Chicken Coop
[tentblogger-vimeo 44258007] Video by Rachael Glasgow For years we enjoyed watching our chickens roam the property. It was great fun to see them running  around and hearing the rooster cock-a-doodle-doo  all over the farm. But, we had one major problem, at dusk chickens would get snatched by fox waiting for them in the fields, the only thing we would find of their[...]

Milking a Goat and Benefits of Unpasteurized Milk

Milking a Goat and Benefits of Unpasteurized Milk
[tentblogger-vimeo 44214395] Today, I’d like for you to join me as we milk our goats! Watch this video, and you’ll be able to learn how to milk a goat yourself.  One of the stories that I read that really made me want to try milking goats and having raw milk, was the story that happened in the 1300’s. The Bubonic plague came and hit Europe and killed 25 million peo[...]

Making Sauerkraut

Making Sauerkraut
  Temperature is key in making Sauerkraut or any fermented food. Ideal temperature in your house would be 75- 85 degrees. That means night time low-75. The key is you don’t want to go under 75 degrees or you’ll mess up the fermentation. I try to make most of my fermented foods in the fall and spring when temperatures are ideal. But you can find success if your[...]