Sparky in our snow covered field at sunrise- If you’re visiting me from P31 devotions today, welcome!
We’d been cooped inside the vehicle way too long!
The kids were fighting. Everyone starving… but the good news? We were only 10 minutes from home. Until suddenly I realized… I needed one item from the grocery store. Yeah. . .
I reassured them, “I only need one thing and I’ll be out in less than four minutes. I promise. Set the timer!” They wailed louder.
I ran in, got the one item and found an empty check out line. I was making excellent time. I would probably get back in less than four minutes. I love exceeding expectations! I grabbed my bag from the cashier and darted for the door. They could see me from the vehicle… Surely they were happy to see the plan going as I had said…
Until I got to the door…
A man laid on the floor in the doorway and the grocery store manager knelt by him. I knew my clock was ticking and my vehicle could explode if I didn’t get to them instantly… but I had to, you know… stop.
I laid my bag on the floor, bent down, and looked into the man’s eyes. He couldn’t say anything. The manager said, “We just called the ambulance. They’re on their way.” I asked the man if I could pray for him. His eyes seemed to say, ‘yes.’ The manager closed his eyes… The man on the floor and I stared at each other as I led him to the throne of God!
Tears filled his eyes, but no words came. I said, “Do you know Jesus?” He didn’t nod. This time he didn’t even say yes in the expression of his eyes. I said, “God loved the world so much, that He gave us His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life.” I got up and got ready to run to my vehicle.
The manager said, “He’s trying to say something to you.” I couldn’t understand what he wanted to say, but the Lord heard. The Lord knew…
I never saw the man again. I don’t know the end of his story. Was he a Christian and just needed someone to minister to him? Did he hear his Savior calling him for the first time? Was this a wake up call wherein he became a radical believer and brought thousands to Christ after this day? I don’t know! But I do know this… that sometimes (actually most always) ministering to strangers isn’t convenient, unless we’re ready to be interrupted by the unexpected.
I thought it was strange that the guy evidently dropped there immediately after I walked through the door coming in. God surely had a precise plan for this guy. There are God set-ups everywhere! We just fail to be a willing part of the plan sometimes. You never know how God is going to use you. You might bring someone to the Lord who’s going to bring millions of people to Him! That’s definitely possible in this age- more than ever.
Andrew brought Peter to Christ and Peter brought thousands.
A stranger walked into a shoe shop where D.L. Moody was a salesman and led him to Christ. D.L. Moody led a multitude to Christ in the 1800’s. D.L. Moody made a pact with himself to tell at least one person a day about Christ. If he got in bed and realized he hadn’t told anyone he would get up and run into the street to find someone to tell.
Shouldn’t we have the same enthusiasm?! I mean, The King of Glory is so glorious within us that we shouldn’t be able to contain Him. He should explode from inside out!
Oh yes! Getting back to my family waiting for me… My vehicle didn’t explode simply because I didn’t make my four minute deadline. When God interrupts my plans for His, the right action is always- Just do it! A couple minute “God detour” could lead to who knows where. He is GOD. His plans are higher than ours.
The next time God interrupts your plans for His- Just do it!
God has already put people in your path and they’re still waiting for you to tell them about Jesus. Just do it! Don’t wait anymore, time could run out.
Tell us their name in the comment section. We’ll pray for them and you. Your comment will enter your name to win a pair of pearl earrings for yourself as well as a Bible for them.
Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
The two winners from my Keep it Shut post are Mary Lou who Submitted on 2015/01/13 at 9:51 AM and Patty who Submitted on 2015/01/08 at 6:41 PM