Flaming Christmas pudding is a spectacular family tradition. I love the scene in the 1938 Christmas Carol movie where the mom serves flaming Christmas pudding and the family goes crazy! It’s absolutely priceless. Wouldn’t it be something to see your family so excited over a desert? You’ve got to watch it, yes you must!
It’s taken me years to find a recipe that I like. The original recipes contained chopped beef suet, molasses, dried fruits and nuts—it was not what our taste buds desired. I’ve created my own recipe, one that’s still densely rich, has crushed figs replacing the many dried fruits and maple syrup in place of the strong molasses flavor. It’s delicious!
We’re blessed to have a fig tree with a huge harvest in the fall. I could fill the entire freezer three times over with all the figs that come off that tree. You can’t eat them fast enough to keep up how fast they ripen.
I’ve read in books of old that the tradition was to use 13 ingredients, representing Jesus and His 12 disciples. So I kept my ingredients to—13, no more, no less. Originally people steamed the pudding in the oven over water. I choose not to do that. I bake mine in an antique baking pan. Many use oven proof bowls to bake theirs in.
The delicious aromas float through the house as it cooks in the oven. After it’s baked I wrap it air tight and put it in the freezer in readiness for our Christmas festivities. On the week of Christmas I take it out of the freezer to thaw. On Christmas eve place it on a festive dish, place holly leaves or festive greens around bottom. Make a glaze to pour over the top.
I have also read in those old books that flaming the pudding was another tradition believed to represent the passion of Christ.
Now, flaming the pudding is the tricky part.
Half fill a metal ladle or with something similar with brandy and carefully heat over a gas flame or lit candle.
When the flame is hot enough the brandy will ignite.
Pour the flaming brandy over the pudding. Make sure lights are out when you take it to the table for the grand entrance.
Once the flames are out, serve each slice with homemade whipped cream with a hint of brandy in it. I have had the same brandy bottle for four years because we only use it for this dish!
Figgy Pudding
2 eggs-beaten
1 stick of butter-melted
1 cup maple syrup
2 cups pureed figs (buy dried and rehydrate)
1 cup of plain yogart (or buttermilk)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
2 1/2 cups flour (Pamela’s Baking Mix used for GF, when you use Pamela’s omit salt, baking soda and baking powder)
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Mix wet ingredients, add dry, then stir well. Bake on 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 min or until done (doesn’t jiggle).
Cool 15 min’s before turning out of pan.
Always serve with yummy whipped cream
- Fig tree next to our house

Many bushels of figs ripened at the same time, so I filled my freezer with them. This is a large bowl of frozen figs. Letting them thaw for making figgy pudding.

Put the top on the pan and bake for an hour on 325. If you don’t have a pan mold like this one no worries. You can use an oven proof bowl or any dish you want.

Good that I left room at the top for it to rise. I poured the extra batter in a small pyrex ramekin and baked it. It’s always good to have a tester size to see how you like it. It was delicious!

Done! Now, I’ll wrap it airtight and freeze for Christmas. At Christmas I’ll put it on a pretty platter, put holly leaves around it, then pour brandy over it and light it on fire! Served with homemade whipped cream. Yum!
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