Giving away a book and alkaline tester at bottom of post!
Dr. Otto Warburg the 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery, stated “NO disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” So, if this is true, I asked MYSELF, am I alkaline or acid? That was my question! I eat healthy foods. So, I bought an alkaline strip test kit, to find out.
I was shocked to find that Dale and myself were ACID!
I started to research what we needed to do, to create an environment in which diseased cells, viruses, bacteria and fungi are UNABLE to thrive.
We all need a pH level of around 7.4 on the scale from 1 to 14, with 1 being acidic and 14 being alkaline. At this level, we’re able to function more effectively and fight off potential chronic diseases.

pH Alkaline Test Kits: Order online or get from your local health food store.
You can test your pH with your saliva or urine. The urine provides a more accurate reading, especially the “first morning urine test.”
Urine pH Zone: 4.5-6.0
•Health Condition: severe acidosis zone
Degenerative chronic diseases thrive in this zone
Urine pH Zone: 6.0-6.5
•Health Condition: moderate acidosis zone
•You have risk of contracting degenerative chronic diseases
Urine pH Zone: 6.5-7.5
•Health Condition: optimal healthy zone
•Optimum of a healthy person
Urine pH Zone: 7.5-9.0
•Health Condition: unhealthy alkalosis zone
This is just as serious at highly acid. Not healthy!
When our pH levels are consistently below 7.4, our system becomes acidic (Acidosis) and forces our body to extract essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium from vital organs, bones and teeth in order to neutralize the effect of the Acidosis.
Acidosis weakens our body systems and creates the perfect recipe for chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, premature aging. . .Add stress and lack of exercise in there and its havoc to our body.
I found Alkaline forming charts that show what foods are alkaline and which are acid forming. It’s slightly confusing because every chart you find is a little different.
I printed a couple different charts, made a grocery list of alkaline items and headed to the store.
My plan was for us to eat 75% alkaline forming foods and 25% acid forming for 40 days.
I stopped drinking my beloved, coffee and started drinking green tea(matcha) lattes in the morning (made with raw goat milk and raw honey).
I read somewhere that the average person can become alkaline in 3 weeks. Proudly, I boasted to myself, we’ll conquer this in a week. It didn’t happen! So, I took out the 25% acid forming foods for a week. We became alkaline. After that, we continued the 75%/25% vow to health. When the 40 days were over we felt GREAT!
We’re INTENSELY busy! I’ve traveled to 6 speaking events in 10 weeks and had a wedding on our farm EVERY weekend. Do I have time to eat like this?? You betcha! I’ve got more energy and no pain, living alkaline!
Here’s a sampling of what we’ve been eating: (I use all organic ingredients) :

Alkaline Pumpkin Muffins are great milk boosters for lactating moms!
Organic Alkaline Pumpkin Muffins Makes a dozen
2 1/4 cups old fashioned oats (rolled)
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup, plus 2 tablespoons Sucanat
1/4 cup molasses
2 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
4 tablespoons clarified butter (melted)
1/4 cup raw milk or coconut milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Optional-Toasted pumpkins seeds on top
- Preheat oven to 350
- Grease or line 12 muffin pans
- Mix all ingredients
- Fill muffin pans 3/4 full
- Bake 20 mins, or until done
- Cool
Now that we are alkaline, I add walnuts to this recipe. Walnuts are acid forming. They’re a healthy nut as long as you’re not acid.

Pumpkin muffins with toasted pumpkin seeds baked on top! These were from pumpkins we kept in storage over winter. Two cups of pumpkin come out of a small pie pumpkin.
I usually double the batch and freeze one. These are excellent to take on trips for snacks or breakfast! I’ve used banana or butternut squash in exchange for pumpkin.
Almond Butter Balls Makes a dozen
1/2 cup chopped dates
1/2 cup chopped raisons
1 cup chopped roasted *chestnuts
1/4 cup molasses
1 cup almond butter
1 to 2 tablespoons orange juice (I use fresh)
1/2 cup shredded coconut
*Chopped walnuts taste MUCH better than chestnuts in this recipe, however, walnuts are acid forming. Once you’re alkaline it’s ok to use walnuts instead of chestnuts. When you’re working hard to get alkaline use chestnuts. Order organic roasted chestnuts through Amazon, they’ll be at your door in two days!
- Using a wet knife or scissors cut dates and raisons into small pieces
- Chop walnuts
- Mix everything EXCEPT COCONUT together
- Roll into balls, then roll balls into coconut to coat
- Store in airtight container. Flavor is enhanced after a day. Store in refrigerator
After 10 days on a alkaline diet Dale nor myself could reach above 5.5 until the day we had this soup! Yeah. Throw the highest alkaline foods into one pot, cook and eat it. We hit 7 by the next morning!

Alkaline Soup with almond flour bread and an alkaline salad
Alkaline Soup This will boost you into alkalinity!
1 cup dry lentils ( I use sprouted lentils- you don’t have to)
1 extra large sweet potato or 2 medium (peeled and diced)
4 large collard green or kale leaves (chopped ¢er vein removed)
2 carrots- diced
1 red bell pepper- diced
4 cloves of garlic- minced
1 onion- diced
2 cups vegetable stock or mineral water
2 tbsp coconut oil or clarified butter (depends on your taste preference)
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 avocado
2 tbsp chopped dill
1 handful of cashews (roughly chopped)
Add all ingredients except for avocado, dill and cashews into a pot. Cook for 40 minutes on medium until done. Take off stove and puree in a blender. Add sliced avocado, dill and cashews to top.
You don’t have to puree the soup. It’s good not pureed as well and you won’t have to wash the blender. If you’re making it for someone who is ill or has a sluggish digestive system pureeing it helps reduce the work load on the digestive tract.
Serve with fresh sliced pear or apple.
Now that we are alkaline, I’ve been using bone broth instead of vegetable stock.

Butternut Squash and Brussel Sprouts with salad and Japonica Rice
Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Butternut Squash and Pomegranate Seeds
1 large butternut squash
2 pounds Brussel sprouts
2 large red onions, quartered
1/2 cup clarified butter or olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup pomegranate seeds
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
- Put whole Butternut squash in oven and bake for 20 mins. Take out of oven and peel and de-seed squash, then chop into bite size pieces.
- Trim bottoms of Brussel sprouts, cut in half if you want or leave whole.
- Quarter onions
- In large bowl add squash, Brussel sprouts and onion. Drizzle oil over vegetables and stir.
- Pour onto a large baking dish. If you don’t have a large one, pour on two baking sheets. You want breathing room around the vegetables so they are roasted on all sides. If you dump them in and there’s no room it won’t taste roasted.
- Roast for 35 mins on 400 or until browned and cooked through. Add the pomegranate seeds when out of oven, stir and serve! YUM!
- Add chopped spinach, kale or collard greens for extra alkalinity before you bake it.
- I served this with Japonica Rice (its alkaline!), salad and a small piece of baked chicken.

Oatmeal Porridge with fruit and raw goat milk (raw goat milk is slightly alkaline, pasteurized is acid. Raw cow milk is slightly acid forming)
Oatmeal Porridge
1 1/2 cups rolled oatmeal
3 cups water
3 tablespoons clarified butter (not alkaline or acid- neutral)
1 tablespoon molasses
Optional: raw goat milk
In pot add oats, water, butter and molasses. Cook on medium until water is mostly absorbed and oatmeal is creamy.
Pour into bowls. Serve with optional fruit and raw goat milk.

We eat a plate of fruit like this EVERY morning with oatmeal
Stacked Salad
Chopped-Apples, asparagus, zucchini, fermented lemons, arugula,tomatoes, dandelion leaves, Boston Bibb lettuce, red or green peppers, carrots, raw green beans, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, red pickled onion, fermented radish, avocado and beets. Sprinkle soaked and roasted sunflower seeds to top. Enjoy!
Use ANY alkaline vegetable or fruit in a Stack Salad. Pickled onions and fermented lemons are not only alkaline forming but really add a delightful flavor to the mix.

Ratatouille served with purple sweet potato and small portion of meat. 3/4 of the plate is alkaline, 1/4 acid
1 eggplant- diced
3 zucchini- quartered
2 onions- quartered
2 green peppers- sliced
5 tomatoes quartered
5 garlic cloves- minced
- Preheat oven to 375
- Soak eggplant in salt water for 30 mins to remove bitter taste. remove eggplant from water and pat dry.
- Saute zucchini in 2 tablespoons clarified butter for 3-5 mins. Then put sautéed zucchini in baking dish.
- Saute onions in 3 tablespoons clarified butter for 3-5 mins on medium high. Then add sautéed onions to zucchini baking dish.
- Saute green peppers in 2 tablespoons of clarified butter for 3-5 mins then add to other veg’s in baking dish.
- Saute eggplant in 3 tablespoons of clarified butter for 3-5 mins, then add to other veg’s in baking dish.
- Add tomatoes to the baking dish and stir all ingredients together
- Bake for 40 mins.
- Take out of oven and add thyme or herbes de Provence if you want to add no herbs. It’s delicious with or without herbs

Iron Skillet Tenderloin Smothered in Onions and Peppers served over mashed potatoes with asparagus
Iron Skillet Tenderloin Smothered in Onions and Peppers
1 grass fed tenderloin (I used venison- it’s less acid) sliced thin
1 green or red pepper- sliced in strips
1 onion- sliced in strips
4 tablespoons clarified butter
Optional: All seasons salt
Sautee onions and peppers separately. Add to a bowl to wait. Last sauté tenderloin pieces for 3-4 mins. Then add onions and peppers to the tenderloin.
Serve on top of homemade mashed potatoes. YES! Potatoes are ALKALINE! Make your mashed potatoes with clarified butter and a little milk (raw goat milk is alkaline). Remember it’s ok to have had 30 percent of your meal acid forming from good food. If you cant get raw milk, organic grass fed pasteurized milk can be your acid forming ingredient in the potatoes.
Serve with a LARGE alkaline forming salad! YUM! Drink purified water with lemon.

Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai– YUMMMMY

Soaked for 6 hours and baked on 200 for 12 hours- YUM
Soaked and Slow Basked Raw Cashews– Do not eat RAW without soaking and baking. Your digestive system will be suffering if you eat them raw. Cashews are alkaline, high in protein, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.
Soak RAW cashews in purified salt water for 6 hours. No more, no less. They get slimy if you let them sit longer. Drain. Pour into large pan to slow roast. Salt to taste. Bake on 200 degrees for 12-24 hours.

Soaking raw cashews

Soaked, drained, salted to taste- now ready for the 200 degree oven for 12 hours

Hudson’s looking for food! Let’s teach our children how to live to eat, not eat to live!

1 Teaspoon of Organic Matcha, 6 oz Hot purified water, 2 ounces raw goat milk and 1 teaspoon raw honey
Green Tea Latte
Spaghetti Squash with Venison Meatballs and salad
I’m personally eating 75% Alkaline and 25% Acid. At the beginning I did 80/20
Vegetable Juices, Avocado, Parsley, Raw Spinach, Broccoli, Celery, Garlic, Onion, Eggplant, Bell Pepper, Alfalfa Sprouts
Carrots, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Beets, Brussel Sprouts, Lettuce, Zucchini, Carob, Parsnips, Radishes, Leeks, Cucumber,
Squash, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Fresh Corn, Mushrooms, Onions, Cabbage, Peas, Cauliflower, Turnip, Beetroot, Potato, Olives
Sweet Potato,Kale, Collard Greens, Pumpkin, Okra
Dried Figs, Raisins
Dates, Blackcurrant, Grapes, Papaya, Kiwi, Berries, Apples, Pears, Pumpkin, Grapes,
Coconut, Sour Cherries, Tomatoes, Oranges, Cherries, Pineapple, Peaches, Avocados, Grapefruit, Mangoes, Lemons, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Limes, Tangerine, Cranberries, Bananas, Passion Fruit,
Lentils, Wild Rice, Japonica Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat
Sprouted Grain Bread, Oats
There are no Alkaline meats. Low Acid meats are venison, wild duck and organ meat. Remember a quarter of your plate can be acid, that’s where the meat will be.
Raw Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, Whey, Clarified Butter, Duck Eggs
Almonds, Chestnuts, Cashews, Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower Seeds
Flax Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Clarified Butter, Cod Liver Oil
Mineral Water, Herb Teas, Lemon Water, Green Tea, Ginger Tea
Molasses, Stevia, Rice Syrup, Raw Honey and Sucanat
Sea Salt is Alkaline
Sugar, white bread, white and brown rice, pasteurized honey, coffee, pasta, processed food, fast food, margarine, cheese, ice-cream, liquor, fruit juice with sugar, beef, chicken, pork, table salt, cocoa, artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, whole wheat products, candy, deserts, milk
Each food item can be listed as very high to very low Alkaline or Acid. I would suggest you buy a book for a more comprehensive list of the foods.
I Corinthians 6: 19-20 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
I’m going to draw names to win The Acid Alkaline Food Guide and an Alkaline Test Kit! Leave a comment below and let me know you need them! I’ll pick two winners next week. I’ll also pray for your health as I read the comments!